Physik: Einige interessante Tatsachen ...
- Die höchste von Menschen je erzeugte Temperatur: 5 mal 1012 Grad Kelvin
CERN announced (am 14.8.2012) that the LHC has achieved the highest human-made temperatures yet, but hasn't been able to determine exactly what that temperature is. It's about 38 percent larger than the previous record from RHIC, which was about 4 million million degrees Celsius.
Neutron stars exhibit surface temperatures of only 105 to 106 degrees Kelvin, which is far hotter than a typical star that's powered by fusion.
- Erst 2012 entdeckt: Temperatur "noch unterhalb des absoluten Nullpunkts", wie zu deuten?
- Erst 2014 entdeckt: Eine erste nachweisbare Wirkung von Elektrosmog
- Nun erstmals (2014): Ein praktikabler Kernfusionsreaktor
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