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S_ Select_Items




part of C_WissDB_DL_API


This is the function to ask the B_WissDB_Database for items of a specific type.


§      In: SeeType

        Is to be a set of strings (as they are allowed to be checked in the Type section of a B_Query_Specification).

§      In: Locator

        Is either NULL or a D_Locator containing Result/ as a substring.

§      Out: Skeleton

        Is either NULL or a not empty set of values of type D_Locator, in which case it is to satisfy the following condition:

        For each object X of type E_KnowledgeItem existing in B_WissDB_Database, X.a_Loc is element of the Skeleton if and only if

–      X.a_Type is element of SeeType, and

–      The given Locator is NULL or is prefix of or identical to X.a_Loc.

§      Out: AppErrors

        Is to explain errors if the given Locator is neither NULL nor an element of the set B_WissDB_Database.E_Result.A_Loc.

        Is to contain warnings if at least one string found in SeeType is a value not allowed therein.

§      Out: ReturnCode is one of the following values:

–      RC_ok

–      RC_syserror

–      RC_seeAppErrors

–      RC_seeWarnings


Has to:

Create the Skeleton specified above as a subset of D_Locator. Then, if this set is not empty, return RC_ok in ReturnCode and this set in Skeleton.

If the set is empty, return NULL in Skeleton and again RC_ok in ReturnCode.

Return NULL in Skeleton and RC_seeAppErrors AppErrors is explaining errors.


Because of:

C_WissDB_API needs a way to implement S_Search_for_Knowledge.


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