WissDB . since Jun 15 . Index . DOCs TOP TOC
Component: |
part of C_WissDB_API |
Abstract: |
This is the function asking WissDB to merge the content of a practice candidate into the B_Knowledge_Base. Parameters: § In: PackageName The name of a previously stored knowledge package. § Out: AppErrors Is to describe AppErrors if the package could not be found or could not be merged into B_Knowledge_Base. Is to contain a warning if the mail to send could not be sent. § Out: ReturnCode is one of the following values:
Has to: |
Find the practice candidate identified by PackageName and merge its content into the B_Knowledge_Base. Then forget the candidate. Send an e-mail to the person who made this package a practice candidate (the address being stored as a value E_Candidate.A_from).
Because of: |
As soon as A_KnowledgeAdministrator is satisfied with the content and the structure of a knowledge package that should be kept in form of practice instances, process schema, or indexing schema he needs a function to merge this content into the knowledge base (so that, from now on, it will be retrievable via the service S_Search_for_Knowledge). |