welt-verstehen/Gedanken+Maschinen, stw2758GM

Unsere Welt zu verstehen:  Gedanken Maschinen

 Beitrag 0-88

Schon bald werden auch Gedanken Maschinen steuern
Hier ein erstes Beispiel:

Wissenschaftler der TU München und der TU Berlin arbeiten an einem Projekt, mit dem man Wege finden möchte, Flugzeuge allein nur über Gedanken zu steuern. Der Projektleiter Tom Fricke berichtet:
Einen ersten Durchbruch hat man schon erzielt:
    The scientists succeded in demonstrating that brain-controlled flight is indeed possible — with amazing precision: Seven subjects [persons] took part in the flight simulator tests. They had varying levels of flight experience, including one person without any practical cockpit experience. The accuracy with which the test subjects stayed on course by merely  t h i n k i n g  commands would have sufficed, in part, to fulfill the requirements of a flying license test. "One of the subjects was able to follow 8 out of 10 target headings with a deviation of only 10 degrees", reported Fricke. Several of the objects also managed the landing approach under poor visibility. One test pilot even landed within only a few meters of the centerline.

Wie das erreicht wurde:
    Electrical potentials are converted into control commands. In order for humans and machines to communicate, brain waves of the pilots are measured using electroencephalography (EEG) electrodes connected to a cap. An algorithm developed by the scientists at TU Berlin allows the program to decipher electrical potentials and convert them into useful control commands. Only the very clearly defined electrical brain impulses required for control are recognized by the brain computer interface.
    » This is pure signal processing, « emphasizes Fricke. Mind reading is  n o t  possible.

Der nächste notwendige Schritt im Projekt:
    The TUM scientists are now focussing in particular on the question of how the requirements for the control system and flight dynamics need to be altered to accomodate the new control method. Normally, pilots feel resistance in steering and must exert significant force when the loads induced on the aircraft become too large. This feedback is missing when using brain control. The reasearchers are thus looking for alternative methods of feedback to signal when the plane's capabilities are pushed too hard, for example.

Quelle: Das Science Magazin Faszination Forschung der TU München, Seite 76-77 in Edition 15 ( Dec 2014 ).


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