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Data view owner is C_WissDB_DL_API
Value Specification:
This is ASCII text that may (or may not) contain lines of the form
- Aspect Locator
. Result Locator
. Result Locator
+ Aspect Locator
. Result Locator
. Result Locator
- Item Locator
. Relation: Item Locator
+ Item Locator
. Relation: Item Locator
Here An and Rn (always starting in column 4 of the text line) are abbreviation identifiers such that n and m are positive integers.
Abbreviation identifiers can be used to replace frequently occurring preLocators.
Each line with a plus or minus sign in column 1 has to be preceeded by an empty line and can be followed by any number of lines starting with a dot in column 4 and two spaces between the dot and the rest of the line.
Each Relation is to be a D_CorrelationType value which (in case of +) must be a currently valid value.