welt-verstehen/Quantencomputer+QuBits+Information+Computer, stw5345QQBIC

Unsere Welt zu verstehen:  Quantencomputer QuBits

 Beitrag 0-191

Der noch lange Weg hin zum Quantencomputer

Wie man Quantencomputer baut lehrt am MIT Seth Lloyd. Er schreibt:

Seth Lloyd (2006):
A quantum computer is a computer that uses quantum effects such as superposition and entanglement to perform computations in ways that classical computers cannot.
The quantum computers we can build today are small, not only in size but also in power. The largest general-purpose quantum computers available at the time of this writing (2006) have 7 to 10 QuBits and can perform thousands of quantum logic operations per second.
By contrast, a conventional desktop computer can register trillions of bits an can perform billions of classical logic operations per second.
We are already good at making computers with atomic-scale components, we are just not good at making big computers with atomic-scale components.
Since the first quantum computers were constructed a decade ago, however, the number if bits they register has doubled almost every 2 years. Even if this exponential rate of progress can be sustained, it will still take 40 years before quantum computers can match the number of bits registered by today's classical computers. Quantum computers are still a long way from the desktop.

Source: Seth Lloyd: Programming the Universe (2007), p. 7-8
The first, very small, quantum computer was created by the Nobel price winner Dave Wineland in 1995 at the US National Institute of Standards.
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tags: stw2524Q: Quantencomputer+QuBits+Information+Computer

QuBits und Quanten-Computer
