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Knowledge that shall be imported into WissDB as well as knowledge that is to be exported (as a search result) is exchanged between user and system in form of knowledge packages:
A Knowledge Package is a zipped tree of files representing
process structure,
knowledge items,
attributes of knowledge items,
and also correlation structure.
A knowledge package is said to be well formed if:
For each file in the package the path starting with the package root and ending with the name of the file is a D_Locator.
Directly under the root of the package there is a file named Structure.
Directly under each subtree root named Result/ there is also Structure file.
All paths starting under the root of the package start with a Schema Locator.
Each Structure file is ASCII text in Knowledge Structure Format describing all nodes found in the tree that is rooted in the node of which this file is a son (structure files ignored).
A file containing ASCII text is said to be in Knowledge Structure Format if:
The first column of each line is ASCII character 32 or 45 (a space or a minus sign).
The second column of each line is ASCII character 32 (a space)
If the first column contains a minus sign, the string starting in column 3 is a D_Locator (relative to the node under which the structure file is found).
Directly following such a line may be lines starting with ASCII characters 32, 32, 46, 32, 32 followed by a string X: Z so that X is denoting an attribute and Z a value for this attribute. (ASCII character 46 is the dot).
Please note that an attribute X in this sense can also be a correlation type (or the name of the relation Is_keyword_for).
If the value Z is a D_Locator not starting with a number, it must be given relative to the node under which the structure file is found. It must have this form if X is a value of D_CorrelationType. This is to ensure that knowledge packages and items therein that are results or even practice instances will always be self contained.
Rationale for the Knowledge Structure Format:
The reader may wonder why we do not require structure files to be in XML format. The reason for this decision is that knowledge administrators and especially people submitting results to be included into the knowledge database shall be able to read and edit structure files in a painless way.
Note also that structure files may contain comment (comment are all text sections not starting with a line containing a minus sign in their first column). Comment sections should always follow an empty line.
Rationale for the Format of Knowledge Packages:
As long as a knowledge package is not zipped, it is simply a tree of files (i.e. a data structure the user and knowledge administrator is used to work with). This will also minimize the need for creating values of type D_Locator explicitly.
Dialogs to be supported by WissDB can be quite simple, and structure files can be generated to a very large degree by a suitable utility that is capable of being envoked via e.g. ANT, make, or nmake.